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MUZUNGU; A-Frican Lost Soul’s Reality Check


Adventure/ Travel/Memoir


Newly released in eBook format; ISBN# 978-1-4566-0090-7




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Professionally formatted and now available on all electronic devices and wherever eBooks are sold.


Photos-to-Music Book Trailer:


The author’s personal account of her work and travel through Kenya as the epitome of Muzungu, the Swahili word for white man.  Literally translated, Muzungu means “confused person wandering about.”


EDITOR: Lisa Bruhn


COVER DESIGN: Katie Rogers




New eBook: ‘Muzungu’ Is a True Reality Check on Africa

Author Pamela Sisman Bitterman Takes Readers on an Unexpected and Eye-opening Journey into the Reality of Africa


SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA — (PRWeb) — is proud to announce the newly published eBook entitled ‘Muzungu: A-Frican Lost Soul’s Reality Check’.  Throw away all your preconceived notions about Africa and what you think you know.  Pamela Sisman Bitterman’s new e-book is published by and is now available for download.  “I traveled to Kenya Africa with an idea of what I might find there only to have that idea completely turned inside out.”  Says Bitterman.  “One cannot truly know African reality without going there and experiencing it first hand. Sometimes not even then.”


The word “Muzungu” is Swahili for white folk.  Translated, it literally means “confused person wandering about.”  This aptly describes Bitterman as she audaciously spent months working and wandering throughout Kenya, not willing to avoid the frightening shadowy underbelly of the country.  This was a journey, which saw the author’s husband railroaded and sentenced to prison.  This was a journey, which ultimately contributed to the suicide of the author’s personal friend and guide.  The reader will witness religious elders morphing into villains, political leaders exposed as criminals, and tribal chiefs engaging in forbidden rituals.  Bitterman weaves a tale that reveals foreign missionaries at the ends of their ropes, and a country in violent revolt.  This is no journey for the feint of heart.


The author’s white skin and declaration that she is a writer become her “free pass” through a succession of previously barred doors, and lands her smack into a living newsreel of Kenya in the flesh. From bizarre meetings with doctors and activists representing then President Bush’s AIDS Relief Project to hospital wards, surgery rooms, orphan clinics, huts, schools, churches and government offices, the reader will discover the real “Aids in Africa”.  In fact, the reader may come to realize that few concepts familiar to them can be applied in Kenya. The term “lost in translation” emerges as a gross understatement. Fellow volunteers who find themselves trapped in the foxholes during a horrific national political revolution witness and report from the front lines. Secret tribal rituals are described in graphic detail. Long-established cultural traditions are examined. Western religion’s influence is dissected. Foreign intervention is challenged. History is revisited. Kenya is deconstructed.


The author invites the reader to take a shocking and unapologetic dose of Africa. Pamela Sisman Bitterman will be returning to the United States in late March 2011, and will be available for dynamic and compelling interviews about her new book. She will also be touring with a video-to-music presentation of revealing photographs from her unforgettable journey.

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